2013 has been great so far. As the saying goes, 'A new year, a new start' right?
Pretty much screwed up the first month, but February was quite okay to be honest.
Started my first official job (KKW) at the end of January. Can't believe i have been working for more than a month now. At least for a lazy and super dependent person like me right? When i first started, i have ZERO idea where will i be working, what will be i doing because i got somehow cheated lolol... I didn't have a choice to choose so it is inevitable and reasonable for me to complain right? -auto guilt free complaining my job-
When i first started the job with full time hours, everything was fun lol. I feel like a professional hitting powder, scooping meesua, cooking meesua, frying chicken, cutting mushrooms, washing the pot. Really i thought i really looked quite cool out there. But just... a few days before when i returned home from work.. I looked at myself in the mirror... Looking all greasy and dirty, skin condition worsened, dark circles darkened, eyes getting slower, and... i looked like i have been smoking for 20 years, literally lol. I started to think... to think why am i doing all these? My pay isn't high, i am required to coop inside that small kitchen for 12 hours every working day; i do not eat at all if nobody is there to accompany me, i don't get to sit for bloody 12 hours; i have to face oil and chilli powder for 12 hours again with my contact lenses and concealer on that i can't even clean it otherwise i am gonna have like one black eye and another white; i face the risk to scald myself every time i cook, scoop and fry and hot oil splattering onto me and my clothes. Once, my colleague scolded me quite loudly, i almost gave up. That particular day, i made so much mistakes i myself couldn't forgive, that day was already my 3rd working week. I almost burnt the whole pot of meesua that worth up to my pay/day lol... Another thing.. i just had to have bloody insomnia every time i have work the next day. When i say insomnia i am not kidding, i only can have 2-3 hours of sleep. Because i have to wake at 6am the next day to see Wenxuan off school then to my mother's office for breakfast first before work. There are always times i wanted to quit instantly, just walk away and go home. Because which kind of 16 year-old idiot would want to do things like that? Lets not say people who see me in the shop having all doubts on me whether i can deliver good services and edible food to them, i doubt my own ability as well. There is no colleague of my age i can really communicate and talk to, and all of them are from other countries, i have to mind the way i talk (as in how different singaporeans always speak) and talk formally because of the age gap. So really, i literally DO NOT have a life working because i can only stand there the whole day, look at handsome and cute guys around, use my phone all silently, otherwise smile to my colleague or other people from other shops occasionally and attend the customers. So bored i look over to the next shop every single time and found my eyecandy wtf. SO CUTE!!!!!! Oh my god speaking about him i feel like i have no more complains towards this job anymore wtf wtf wtf. Yesterday was the happiest day through my KKW working life can i haolian and share for awhile????? Hehehehe. I am so high right now i cannot think of what to blog anymore. Ah, met the kindest lady yesterday, this kind customer saw me injured and offered me plasters (auto blaming all the hot meesua and oil) so happy wtf. Oh and people mistook me as lady boss because i do not wear uniform wtf. No lah i got the lady boss face hehe. Wtf doesn't that mean i look super old already????? The lady boss of the shop next door looked like only 20 but she is married already surprisingly wtf. So ya lah i have chance one lolol. And how people have been coming down to visit me like every working day, thank you thank you :') without all of you my poor stomach is almost empty the whole day hehe. May all my working days be like yesterday's, huat ah!!!! Lolol. Last month in KKW. Anyway, have any of you tried to imagine yourself without your brows? I look like a horse, i think and feel. HEHE.